點亮它 (電1: 串聯和並聯) Lighting it Up (Electricity 1: Series and Parallel Connections)
製造蠟燭 (物質與性質2:性質的三態) Create a Candle (Materials and Their Properties 2: Three States of Matter)
神秘的氣體 (昇華: 乾冰) The Mystery Gas (Sublimation: Dry Ice)
為我指路吧 (磁鐵3: 磁場與指南針) Show me the way (Magnets 3: Magnetic fields and Compass)
學習辨別、測試問題的技巧 The students will be taught the skills required to identify and test problems.
利用科學方法,學習找出問題的解決方法 They will learn how to find a solution to a problem using scientific method.
以科學實驗,強化歸納、驗證、預測、概念解釋 的能力 They will learn how to classify, identify, predict, and interpret things as they conduct experiments.
Qualifications Saint Francis CollegeTesol, Canadian Institute of English
Experience |2001-2003: Jordan’s Language Institute2004-2006: Happy Marian2007-2009: Kang Chiao Bilingual School2009-2010: Chingshin Elementary and Middle School2010-Present: Self-Employed as a tutor
Teaching Philosophy I believe the students learn better by doing things.The students will learn the various scientific methods in English.They will be exposed to hands on learning where they will learn a topic, and then they will perform experiments to better understand the topic.